"Adopt the pace of nature:
her secret is patience."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
KRCA Homeowners
Board of Directors Meeting
September 19, 2012
7:00 PM Kilauea Neighborhood Center
Kalihiwai Ridge Homeowners can find official minutes to KRCA meetings by setting up their own account log in at certifiedhawaii.com. They can assist you in getting your 7 digit owner number. After you have that you will then need to set up a user name and password. You can also set up having the Agenda to these meetings sent to you by email the day before they are held.
My Impressions
and meeting notes from Bert Lyon
I was over on Haena Point the night of our August meeting where we rent a house every year for our anniversary, this one being our 38th. The trees being trimmed on the Kalihiwai Bridge kept me on that side so Bert Lyon was kind enough to supply me with his expert notes of the meeting this month.
For some of you who are off island or might not have heard Earl Simpson died at home with Hospice care in July after a brief terminal illness and will be sincerely missed by his family and as a neighbor, friend and board member. He was Chairman of the Dam Committee and worked for many years on behalf of our community here at Kalihiwai Ridge and beyond.
Edgar Santiago will be mowing the dam every month and the few trees left on the dam face will be poisoned with the herbicide 2-4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. He will clear brush only at the base of the dam and eventually the slope of the dam face will be reduced to a 3:1 ratio so it can be mowed with a riding mower.
The Treasury Report shows an operating cash amount of $111,675, accounts receivable of $28,054 and a reserve account moved to Bank of Hawaii checking. Certified Management announced that Lisa Wall resigned and was replaced by Candice Iida. A volunteer is needed for coordinating a "Potluck on the Dam" event for September.
Jack Gushiken does not know where recent rainfall went (4.8 inches in 24 hours), but it didn't get to the reservoir, which is the reason why the reservoir is still low. As you can see in the Dam & Ditch Maintenance report on this website only for less than a week on November 6, 2011 and March 6, 2012 have we had a full lake at 16ft on The Stick. For nearly a year we have had a lake 2 1/2 to 3ft feet below this with inlets compromised and some of the ditch water lost to the Kilauea Stream going out to sea at the small rock dam across the street from our intake ditch that comes off the Pohakuhonu Stream.
Tom Huffman was appointed to one of the KRCA Board of Director's vacant terms. John Donatoni has taken the late Earl Simpson's place as head of the Dam Committee with homeowner Richard Gonzales volunteering to serve on the committee who has expertise in managing a reservoir on the mainland and Gordon Clendenen also offered his services.
Jim Gair and Jim Bray accused Parker Croft of violating the Business Judgement Rule (duty of loyalty) regarding his conflict of interest (by serving on Bill Porter's board of the non profit Anaina Hou), see Newsletters of March & April 2012. Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 instead of 9:00 by KRCA board president Parker Croft after an attending member resorted to using an uncivil remark.
Though I wasn't at this meeting, in March I reported in that Newsletter on the board's policy concerning abusive and threatening communication. It was stated at that time there would be a warning given to the person by the president of the board, a suggested time out to leave the room to compose if needed, and if the behavior continued the board would adjourn the meeting to executive session. Civility is a priority for this board in order to encourage others in the community to serve on the board in the future and for all to enjoy the meetings when hopefully attended by more homeowners.
I regret there had to be an abrupt close to the meeting on such a negative note and personally hope mutual respect can be shared in the future for all our community's benefit.
Until we meet again.
Maggie Lea
Suggested Readings:
Water Resources and Climate Change Adaptation in Hawai`i: 2012
Reference: Commission on Water Resource Management
Click here to download PDF file
Koamalu Volumes 1&2
by Ethel M Damon, 1931
A story of pioneers on Kauai and of what they built in that island garden
Sugar Water by Carol Wilcox 1996
Hawaiian & English definitions from the book:
wai - water, blood, passion, life
wai wai - wealth
pani wai - dam
water - transparent, odorless, tasteless, liquid, H2O
Wetland habitat non-invasive plant suggestions:
bacopa, makaloa, carex, aka 'akai, neke
kupukupu, laua'e
Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge
Kauai Forest Birds Recovery Project
Sounds Hawaiian
National Wildlife Federation
Kalihiwai Reservoir is a
Certified Wildlife Habitat
Ducks Unlimited
Fishing Notes
Hawaii Audubon Society
Sierra Club Hawaii
Sufi at the helm of Moe Moku