"Adopt the pace of nature:
her secret is patience."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
KRCA Board of Directors
Homeowners Meeting
November 29, 2017 from 6:30 9:30 pm
Kilauea Neighborhood Center
KRCA has contracted with Hawaiiana Management Company who has a Kalihiwai Ridge website access code of:
Agendas and meeting minutes will be posted on this new site along with all our documents that can now be reviewed by the public.
My Impressions
The KRCA meeting last night had a report on the DLNR Inspection held earlier that day on 6-28-17, which apparently went well. They indicated to continue moving forward with the repair designs and to submit permits for review to various other agencies, along with the DLNR requirements, so as to save time if these agencies required any action on the part of KRCA and the water use easement holders Porter Irrigation and Bridgewater Irrigation. Apparently Chris Jaeb is still the owner of Common Ground, but has moved to the mainland and is no longer on island. Jack Gushiken was at the inspection along with Joan Porter and he asked if the lake could be raised by an additional foot to 11’ for more proper operation of the reservoir and minimize the clams clogging the irrigation line filters downstream. They will be installing a solar powered automated monitoring station on the dam to keep track of the water level sometime in July so perhaps the lake could be raised after that has been completed.
The Bathymetry Study of June 2017 resulted in consistent storage capacity as found in the 2009 study, which was done by a California firm. We now have a Hawaii state licensed report for DLNR that shows using a full pool elevation of 392’ would result in 136 acre feet storage capacity vs 141 acre feet in the 2009 study. They also measured that the silt content is under 2 acres and so the volume would be just over 1 acre foot, which means this is not an issue regarding run off during a 100 year event. It also means there is no longer a need for a low level outlet as a 48 hour drain is easier now with this verified lower storage capacity. The inflow volume is 38.57 and discharge volume is 38.51 so what is coming in is going out at basically the same rate. In terms of various elevations, currently the lake is at 387’ (9’ 9"on the stick) with a water surface area of 11.72 acres/53 AcFt storage capacity. If raised to 389’ the water surface area would raise to 15.29 acres/80.5 AcFt storage capacity and 392’ or full pool (14’ 2" on the stick) would be 21.44 acres/136 AcFt storage capacity. The Peak Storage Capacity of the KR is 243 AcFt with a Peak Elevation of 396’ meeting the edge of the neighboring lot at an elevation of 395.5.
The results of the recent KRCA Survey completed on May 31, 2017 showed the KRCA membership chose as their 1st option was to repair the KR to a full pool lake of 14’2”, the 2nd option was to repair the KR to 11’6”, the 3rd option to 9’6” or basically keep it as it is now, 4th option to sell or transfer Lake Lot 3, 5th option to remove the dam, and 6th option DK enough to make a decision. Only 83 residents responded to the survey so President Lau wants a special meeting to be held and another survey done after more information is received from Meta Engineering as to various designs and costs to satisfy the collective guidance clause of the 2012 Settlement Agreement before then negotiating with the water use easement holders for a final preferred solution. They have apparently done a spillway design for a 387’ elevation of the dam (maintaining current water level of 9’9"), which is 15’ wide and notches which are 2’ wide and 1’ deep.
Progress is being made, but since collecting data for 6 years for this website from 2011on, I must say it seems to be going at a snails pace. The DLNR is obviously being very patient with our complicated process and the many players at work here to help us see this project to completion. The dedication of the KRCA Board to press on and face each of these challenges is commendable and I thank them for their community service and dedication to the management of our shared asset. 2020 is just around the corner and I have long wished to see the Fix & Fill option #1 be completed in time to celebrate that 100 year anniversary with our Kilauea and KRCA community.
Until we meet again.
Maggie Lea
Suggested Readings:
Water Resources and Climate Change Adaptation in Hawai`i: 2012
Reference: Commission on Water Resource Management
Click here to download PDF file
Koamalu Volumes 1&2
by Ethel M Damon, 1931
A story of pioneers on Kauai and of what they built in that island garden
Sugar Water by Carol Wilcox 1996
Hawaiian & English definitions from the book:
wai - water, blood, passion, life
wai wai - wealth
pani wai - dam
water - transparent, odorless, tasteless, liquid, H2O
Wetland habitat non-invasive plant suggestions:
bacopa, makaloa, carex, aka 'akai, neke
kupukupu, laua'e
Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge
Kauai Forest Birds Recovery Project
Sounds Hawaiian
National Wildlife Federation
Kalihiwai Reservoir is a
Certified Wildlife Habitat
Ducks Unlimited
Fishing Notes
Hawaii Audubon Society
Sierra Club Hawaii
Sufi at the helm of Moe Moku