KRCA Board of Directors
Homeowners Meeting
February 22, 2017 from 6:30 9:30 pm
Kilauea Neighborhood Center
KRCA has contracted with Hawaiiana Management Company who has a Kalihiwai Ridge website access code of:
Agendas and meeting minutes will be posted on this new site along with all our documents that can now be reviewed by the public.
Dear Mazie, Brian, and Tulsi,
You three are my representatives in government. I am your voter, your citizen, the person who supports you and your efforts to do what is right at a very crucial time in our nation’s and our world’s history.
At 70 years of age I am returning to visit Greece this year after 50 years away, a pilgrimage of sorts to the founding place of democracy. I was there in 1967 when the military coup d’état took place and the Regime of the Colonels stayed in power until 1974, the year I married a Turkish raised Muslim.
On final count we have had 77,000 citizens in 3 swing states vote in our current leadership who do not represent me or my values, all because of the Electoral College instead of majority rule. Trump got one thing right during the election the system is rigged. It got Bush elected in 2000 and he in 2016. Both times creating a country and a world more difficult for me to recognized or understand.
It feels not too much different than the mood I felt in Greece in 1967 when on the train crossing into their border we young women had to put our long hair up into a bun and the young men in our Occidental College European History Tour had to cut their hair short. No ‘hippie types’ were allowed into Greece. No freedom to be outwardly ourselves. That memory is obviously deeply embedded in me.
Now I feel more than ever the whole world is in danger. Climate change is not a myth. The last 3 years only getting hotter than the one before and the first thing to come off the new White House website is climate change, to be replaced by the America First Energy Plan, which no longer advocates in ways that fully or fairly reflect our changing reality.
As a result will now have Climate Change News and Opinions posted in the Newsletter section of my website starting this month, with this letter to you posted as the first entry. This website has been maintained by me since 2011 to help try and repair and preserve the last functioning reservoir on the North shore of Kaua`i to service the recreational and agricultural needs of KRCA and the community of Kilauea and support the wetland habitat of the endangered Hawaiian waterbird species living and breeding on our reservoir.
I probably won’t live to see the end of the world as we know it, but it is truly possible for the first time in our history for this to now be possible and you three have a front row seat here and in Washington DC to this show we have to watch and wait and see what happens next. Each day so far is getting worse than the one before for climate change and all the issues I have stood up for my whole life.
I know you take your jobs very seriously as you realize the future of the world is now at stake. If we don’t turn this around in 2018 and 2020 I feel we are potentially doomed. Currently we already are no longer protected. The Constitution becomes a sham if our leadership openly lies and calls it truth. Where alternative facts no longer get acknowledged for the falsehoods they are. For the issue of climate change this is especially dangerous.
77,000 desperate citizens put a ‘strong man’ without respect for the reality of this and so many other issues in power to ‘save’ them. The opposition to this is unifying, because every vote did NOT count in 2016, but maybe your efforts and votes will. Maybe the wisdom of Hawai`i will save our nation. Maybe the last state of our union will become the first to stand up against this horror that now has all the power. Using our democracy for years for selfish, egotistical, and now narcissistic power and gain, the GOP has been ruthless.
Hawai`i was taken over by wealthy business interests on January 17, 1893. They ‘locked her up’, Queen Liliuokalani, on January 16, 1895. We know how this gets done here. We know the dark side of America and it has reappeared again to potentially rob us of our freedoms, of our equality, and even of our very future. Stand up and be strong and positive and true. As you do this you will continue to have my support in these crucial years ahead.
Until we meet again.
Maggie Lea
Suggested Readings: Water Resources and Climate Change Adaptation in Hawai`i: 2012 Reference: Commission on Water Resource Management Click here to download PDF file Koamalu Volumes 1&2 by Ethel M Damon, 1931 A story of pioneers on Kauai and of what they built in that island garden Sugar Water by Carol Wilcox 1996 Hawaiian & English definitions from the book: wai - water, blood, passion, life wai wai - wealth pani wai - dam water - transparent, odorless, tasteless, liquid, H2O ![]() Wetland habitat non-invasive plant suggestions: bacopa, makaloa, carex, aka 'akai, neke kupukupu, laua'e ![]() ![]() Links: Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge Kauai Forest Birds Recovery Project Sounds Hawaiian National Wildlife Federation Kalihiwai Reservoir is a Certified Wildlife Habitat Ducks Unlimited Fishing Notes Hawaii Audubon Society Sierra Club Hawaii ![]() ![]() Sufi at the helm of Moe Moku |