KRCA Homeowners
Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
6:30 9:30 pm
Kilauea Neighborhood Center
KRCA Annual Homeowners Meeting:
February 24, 2016
Kilauea Elementary School Cafeteria
5:30 pm Registration
6:00 pm Meeting Starts
Kalihiwai Ridge homeowners can find official minutes to KRCA Board of Directors meetings by setting up their own Account Log In at They can assist you in getting your 7 digit homeowner number. After you have that you will then need to set up a User Name and Password. You can also set up having the Agenda to these meetings sent to you by e-mail the day before the meetings are held every month.
My Impressions
It is the end of 2015 already and Christmas just weeks away. Many return to the mainland to be with their family and friends in order to celebrate, connect and catch up on all the news of the year. Saim and I will stay on island as usual and do the same thing here. His gallery Hanapepe Artworks will be open for the Friday night Art Walks and his bronze 3' statue of King Kaumuali`i can now be viewed there as we start the fund raising phase of this project to someday see this piece cast as an 8' bronze monument for placement on Kaua`i in Waimea. A way to finally have the community see King Kaumuali`i symbolically come home (1780-26 May 1824).
King Kaumuali`i is buried next to his wife, Queen Ka`ahumanu (1777-5 June 1832) at the Waiola Congregational Church Cemetery in Lahaina, Maui. Replacing the 3' cement obelisk with this 3' bronze maquette on his gravesite in Maui could also be a way to raise awareness on the neighbor islands concerning the history about the life of our last King of Kaua`i who is buried there.
As far as the future of the Kalihiwai Reservoir is concerned, nearing its 100 year anniversary in 2020, it is really anybodies guess what will come of this valuable community asset. No longer able to serve on the current board I resigned as of 1 July 2015 after serving 18 months. I will continue to randomly attend the monthly KRCA board meetings, always looking for constructive ways I might still contribute to the process they are in charge of. There will be 3-4 openings for serving on the board come 24 Feb 2016, when new board members are voted on by the homeowners at that annual meeting held in Kilauea. Contact President Bob Butler at 639-2180 if you are interested in being nominated to run for the 2016 KRCA Board of Directors.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas this year and safe travels if you are leaving the island for distant places!
Until we meet again.
Maggie Lea
Suggested Readings: Water Resources and Climate Change Adaptation in Hawai`i: 2012 Reference: Commission on Water Resource Management Click here to download PDF file Koamalu Volumes 1&2 by Ethel M Damon, 1931 A story of pioneers on Kauai and of what they built in that island garden Sugar Water by Carol Wilcox 1996 Hawaiian & English definitions from the book: wai - water, blood, passion, life wai wai - wealth pani wai - dam water - transparent, odorless, tasteless, liquid, H2O Wetland habitat non-invasive plant suggestions: bacopa, makaloa, carex, aka 'akai, neke kupukupu, laua'e Links: Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge Kauai Forest Birds Recovery Project Sounds Hawaiian National Wildlife Federation Kalihiwai Reservoir is a Certified Wildlife Habitat Ducks Unlimited Fishing Notes Hawaii Audubon Society Sierra Club Hawaii Sufi at the helm of Moe Moku |